Things of today:
- Inductive debug – ‘pinless’ debugging interfaces for microprocessors.
- Fought for much of the day against really rubbishy wireless connections. Turned out that moving to a different channel fixed some things. I think the access point was in range of some other network . Wished that our access point supported 802.11a.
- Spent hours and hours trying various bits of nonlinear video editing software to discover that they all suffer from approximately the same bugs – random freezing and various loss-of-video errors. I tried Pitivi, LiVES, Kdenlive and Kino. I didn’t get to actually running the Open Movie Editor because it involved more random-library-installation-from-source than I could be bothered to tolerate at that point. Maybe I’ll come back to that later. Haven’t yet tried Cinelerra or Cinelerra CV either.
What started out as a good day (“wow, inductive debugging”) ended in a nightmare of trying to sodding edit video (“aaaargh, why can’t I just cut some video up”).
Posted at 2:38 am on Friday 21st March 2008
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