More tea please.

27c3 Talk: “From Robot to Robot”

I just gave a talk at 27C3 :D Here are the slides:

Posted at 2:55 pm on Monday 27th December 2010

Introduction to Git

I presented an introduction to Git at last week’s Student Robotics doing. You’ll find the slides here. Its main purpose was to be a high-level introduction to both version control and Git.

Posted at 1:02 pm on Tuesday 9th March 2010

Formica IEEE Talk

Jeff and I are giving a presentation on the Formica robots on Tuesday evening for the University of Southampton IEEE Student Branch. We’ll be doing a live demonstration with robots. More information can be found on the UoS IEEE site.

If you’re at the University of Southampton, this should be a nice opportunity to see what sort of stuff you can get up to during your fourth year.

Posted at 9:00 am on Monday 9th March 2009
One Comment

Subversion Presentation

Chris and I did the first Student Robotics “training” lecture yesterday. Not quite as many people turned up as we wanted, but I think it was well received by the people who were there. Hopefully it’ll be the first in a series of sessions that try to fill some of the gaps between undergraduate courses and what Student Robotics needs.

This talk was about how to use subversion, a versioning system. The slides are available here.

First slide of "How to use Subversion" presentation.

Posted at 3:34 pm on Friday 21st November 2008

One presentation down…

Chris and I just finished our presentation about Student Robotics at the Robotics in the Curriculum event. We think it went down pretty well. I’ve made the slides available here.

Posted at 3:18 pm on Thursday 20th November 2008

Two talks in one day

Ever since Student Robotics began there’s been a monotonically increasing knowledge barrier presented to new university student members. We’ve always tried to ease the assimilation process, but our methods haven’t been too effective. However, Chris is now our president. Chris has been through most of this wall of knowledge, which has put him in a good position to understand some of the issues in becoming a new member — and is thus helping the whole group understand this problem.

In a meeting last academic year we decided that we’d run a few sessions on various bits of stuff that would be useful for new members. The first one that we’re running is about Subversion and is happening on Thursday at 18:00 in seminar room 1, Zepler building. Chris and I are doing this presentation and it should last about an hour including questions.

Chris and I are also doing another presentation on Thursday at the “Robotics in the Curriculum” event. Unfortunately it’s a private event, but it should hopefully help us get the message about Student Robotics out to some people who may be interested in helping us expand the scheme.

Of course, I’m also doing my PhD. I spent today’s PhD hours reading about real and artificial Gecko feet. They’re just witchcraft.

Posted at 12:50 am on Wednesday 19th November 2008

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