More tea please.

Isn’t free software great

I’m currently:

Oh, but wait, msp430-gdbproxy and friends aren’t free. Arrrrgh. I can feel my soul dissolving.

If I ignore the dissolving for now, it’s all amazing. So much debugging.

Posted at 11:50 pm on Monday 26th March 2007

Squishing Python

Getting python onto the gumstix requires some work. By selecting python, the file system goes from 4 Mb (4131692 bytes to be exact) to 11Mb (11495444 bytes). That’s OK for the 16Mb gumstix boxes, but seems a little wasteful. After close inspection with the help of baobab, I find that a lot of it’s taken up by the python libraries:

Disk usage with python.


Posted at 2:32 am on Monday 26th March 2007

MSP430 Debugger Kernel Patches

Thought I better make the kernel patches available, in case I inadvertantly annoyed some people. There are two: ti_usb_fix.patch and

Posted at 4:42 pm on Monday 5th March 2007

Jesus Christ!

It just happened. There is a PCB that was generated from the parts of some laser printers!

I think I’m going to go absolutely insane with joy. Maybe after some sleep.

Posted at 5:13 am on Saturday 3rd March 2007

MSP430 Debugging Hardware

This is possibly the most informative post I’ve found on the mspgcc-users mailing list so far. It’s possibly amazing. I should be able to use either the UIF or EZ430 tool that TI sell.


Posted at 6:55 pm on Thursday 1st March 2007

svn log -> rss

I spend a reasonable amount of time in my news aggregator program these days. I want to stay up to date with project changelogs. Subtelty (edit 2012: link now broken — was http://subtlety.errtheblog.com/) provides me with a useful service.

Posted at 3:20 pm on Tuesday 20th February 2007

Stuff of 12-01-2006

Interesting links du jour:

Posted at 2:38 am on Saturday 13th January 2007

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