Our house used to have a shed that looked like this:
Jeff and I decided that we needed to upgrade the shed. So we removed the old shed, which we think may have been an Anderson shelter — although it seems to differ a bit from the description on wikipedia. So we chopped it up:
Then we shoved it in Jeff’s car and took it to the dump:
Next came the clearing of the area for the new shed. There was a lot of bits of dead tree and stuff in this area, which we burnt. We wanted to burn these really quickly as we had a lot of stuff to get through — so we raised the fire, in the shopping trolley that we found under a tree in the garden, in order to give it more ventilation. Faye generously leant us her hairdryer, which was then attached to some tubing that we pointed into middle of the fire. This made the fire insanely hot:
(That’s a marshmallow on a stick). Jeff melted some aluminium in the middle of the fire, and then managed to get some steel red hot in it (see the flickr pics). It’s surprising what you can do with a hair dryer and some wood!
Site by Rob Gilton. © 2008 - 2019