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You may remember Fetproxy, a free software alternative to msp430-gdbproxy.

Fetproxy never really got beyond the quick hack that Tom and I threw together in the 25C3 hack-centre at the end of 2008. The next stage was going to be a massive upheaval of its architecture, but I never found the time to do this. Enter Daniel Beer with his excellent MSPDebug utility. Daniel has found the time to work on this tool, and has made several releases so far. I’ve tested it with a couple of boards that I had lying around, and it appeared to work quite well.

Go and use it. Its source code is quite legible too, so you should hack on it too ;)

I’ve packaged mspdebug for Fedora, and you’ll find the package in this directory. Maybe I’ll jump through the hoops of getting it included in the repositories soon.

2010-11-04 Update: mspdebug has been in the Fedora repositories for a while now. Install it using:

pkcon install mspdebug
Posted at 1:45 pm on Saturday 29th May 2010

2 responses to “MSPDebug”

  1. Andy Green says:

    Thanks for packaging mspdebug, just a little feedback you need to add readline-devel as a buildrequires.

  2. rob says:

    @Andy: Yea, Till Maas cleaned up the specfile a bit and it’s now on its way into the Fedora repos. It’ll be there reasonably soonish :)

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