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FET430 Firmware Already Fixed

I just had a very quick look into what could be done to fix the FET430 UIF firmware loading issue I wrote about before. The issue looks like it was fixed in this commit. That’s in Linux 2.6.29, which was released 6 days ago.

No work for me to do there then…

Posted at 4:28 am on Sunday 29th March 2009

5 responses to “FET430 Firmware Already Fixed”

  1. bigfeetliu says:

    hi, Robert.
    Unfortunally, I am using linux kernel 2.6.27 with Fedora 10.
    When I pluged in FET430 UIF with a USB line, FC10 can successfully detect it and allocate /dev/ttyUSB0 to it.
    BUT, when I updated the firmware of FET439 UIF, it reported this:
    notice: msp430: TI USB FET update requested
    notice: msp430: Initializing bootloader…
    error: msp430: Could not initialize device interface (1)
    debug: MSP430_Initialize()
    error: msp430: Could not initialize device interface (1)
    debug: MSP430_Initialize()
    error: msp430: Could not initialize device interface (1)
    debug: MSP430_Initialize()
    error: msp430: Could not initialize device interface (1)

    with dmesg command, the following reported:
    ti_usb_3410_5052 2-1:2.0: TI USB 3410 1 port adapter converter detected
    usb 2-1: TI USB 3410 1 port adapter converter now attached to ttyUSB0
    ti_usb_3410_5052_1 ttyUSB0: ti_set_termios – cannot set config on port 0, -110
    usb 2-1: ti_write_byte – failed, -110
    ti_usb_3410_5052_1 ttyUSB0: ti_set_termios – cannot set modem control on port 0, -110
    usb 2-1: ti_write_byte – failed, -110
    ti_usb_3410_5052_1 ttyUSB0: ti_close – cannot send close port command, -110

    so, could you help to fix it out?

  2. bigfeetliu says:

    the above status happened after I have done this:

    su -c “cp /lib/firmware/ti_3410.fw /lib/firmware/ti_usb-3410.bin”

  3. rob says:

    @bigfeetliu: I’m not entirely sure what’s going on there. I assume you’ve tried unplugging it and plugging it back in after running that “su -c” command, but it’s best to check!

  4. bigfeetliu says:

    yes, I did, unplug and plug many times.
    excuted “msp430-gdbproxy msp430 –update-usb-fet /dev/ttyUSB0” with super user mode!

    notice: msp430: TI USB FET update requested
    notice: msp430: Initializing bootloader…
    notice: msp430: Erasing interrupt vectors…
    notice: msp430: Erasing interrupt vectors…
    notice: msp430: Erasing interrupt vectors…
    error: msp430: Could not initialize device interface (1)

  5. bigfeetliu says:

    BTW, I am using FC10 under Mac Os X10.5 with a VMWare Fusion 2

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