When I want to link someone to a part on the Farnell website, I get because the URLs are both horrible and also I have absolutely no guarantee from Farnell that the URL will exist for any given period of time. This is the sort of URL you get for a Farnell part:
There most important part of the above URL is the Farnell part number. The rest is superfluous.
So I created a small script that creates nicer URLs for Farnell’s parts:
Besides just being generally shorter and easier to parse, these URLs potentially have a longer lifetime. When Farnell change their website and all their URLs change, I can just change my script to match whilst keeping these links valid.
Feel free to use this redirection service. Just stick the Farnell part number on the end of the URL:
I had thoughts about adding RS, but haven’t yet got around to it.
2 responses to “Part Number Permalinks”
Site by Rob Gilton. © 2008 - 2019
[…] installation, you should be able to search Farnell. This plugin uses my Farnell permalink URLs to do the searches, so you can type a part number in and will be taken directly to the […]
[…] Here’s a bookmarklet which can ease the pain encountered while using the Farnell and RS websites. A common problem is generating a link to a product on one of the aforementioned sites that wont be broken in a years time. This problem has already been solved by Rob, you can see the solution over on his blog in the form of the part number redirection service. […]