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UIF firmware breakage

Just a quick note that might help some people. After the Fedora update to 2.6.27, the UIF stopped working. This is because (I think) all of binary firmwares that the kernel has in it have now been moved outside the kernel itself. The driver for the UIF looks for “ti_usb-3410.bin” which doesn’t exist. This is due to some sort of naming problem. A temporary fix to this problem is:

su -c "cp /lib/firmware/ti_3410.fw /lib/firmware/ti_usb-3410.bin"

I’ll look into whether there are any open bugs on this soon.

Posted at 12:30 pm on Wednesday 26th November 2008

4 responses to “UIF firmware breakage”

  1. Tosh says:

    This does not fix my problem, it still says it cannot find the firmware.
    Any idea how to fix this?

  2. rob says:

    @Tosh: I’ll need more information than that. Have you checked that the firmware file actually exists?

  3. Tosh says:

    yep, it really exists in /lib/firware/, done what you explained in your post, even set the selinux context (even though selinux is disabled)
    PS : I send Jeff a mail and I put you in cc, full explanation is there

  4. […] just had a very quick look into what could be done to fix the FET430 UIF firmware loading issue I wrote about before. The issue looks like it was fixed in this commit. That’s in Linux 2.6.29, which was released […]

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