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Location sensitive ssh “tunnelling”

I wanted to always be able to shell to a machine within the Uni network. The Uni network has a firewall that stops incoming requests to most machines. There’s a machine that all undergrads can shell to, which I normally use netcat combined with the ssh ProxyCommand setting. However, it’s a little silly to divert all traffic through another machine when I’m in the network. So, meet the new script I use in the ProxyCommand:


got=`ifconfig eth1 | egrep -o "inet addr:152.78.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}"`
got+=`ifconfig eth0 | egrep -o "inet addr:152.78.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}"`

if [[ "$got" == "" ]] 
    ssh uglogin.ecs.soton.ac.uk nc $HOST 22
    nc $HOST 22
Posted at 8:38 am on Wednesday 11th June 2008

4 responses to “Location sensitive ssh “tunnelling””

  1. Lamby says:

    :o bashisms!

  2. rob says:

    Hey Chris!

    It’s labelled with #!/bin/bash though!

  3. Lamby says:

    http://lamby.uwcs.co.uk/b/xgoat.sh.txt seems a little nicer.. will use this on my laptop now.

    Hm, I fear parsing IP addresses with regular expressions is conCIDRed harmful.

  4. rob says:

    Nice work Chris. I like the sysfs usage, and I’ve changed mine to use exec. None of this ifdata malarky though ;-)

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