More tea please.


Over the past year, I’ve sporadically attempted to migrate from using my paper logbook to use more electronic forms of logging. I have been using EMACS journal mode as a form of log. Its offline nature means that I now have at least 3 separate journals around the place. Merging them shouldn’t be too challenging because they each consist of entries that aren’t replicated in any of the other journals.

I’ve been gradually forming what I want/need in my mind:

I’ve recently started thinking about how I’d want to embed files into it. At the moment, I have loads of small bits of code flying around. Every so often I write a small piece of test code; for example, I recently wrote a quick test program to work out how to use threads from Python – something that I already did just over a year ago, but no longer have the files. Importing those files or Git repositories into the journal and the ability to associate them with something that I was doing would be amazing.

I’ve no idea if a bit of software exists that does these things. Maybe I should look. I think I once heard of a piece of software for managing multiple git repositories – that would be a small fraction what I want.

Naturally, when I achieve some e-paper, I would need to be able to add sketches to this log…

Edit:I forgot to mention the repo.or.cz project. Really cool.

Posted at 7:18 pm on Wednesday 15th August 2007

Doubling the resolution of your CNC machine

  1. Add 4 lines to the firmware for the MSP430s that sequence the stepper motor drivers so that they half-step (so that there are sometimes two active coils).
  2. One’s resolution has doubled.
  3. Dance.
  4. Push changes up to public firmware git repository.

We did have a resolution of 0.2mm per step. Now we have 0.1mm. w00t.

Posted at 1:51 am on Wednesday 15th August 2007
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