Have just spent an hour or so setting up an RSS for John’s New Zealand adventures. Should update every half an hour.
Source used to generate it available here :-)
2012-08-10 Edit: John’s site has been down for a long time now, so this is definitely not going to work any more!
Posted at 11:48 pm on Monday 6th August 2007
Just been browsing Maxim’s range of switch-mode controllers. The MAX1724 [datasheet] looks really good. It requires only two external caps and one inductor to operate. Input voltage range: 0.8v to 5.5v. 0.8v!
I should also mention that it’s in SOT23-5…..
/me attempts to find somewhere to buy lots of them…
Posted at 1:08 pm on Monday 6th August 2007
- 0830: Received a text from Tom containing a highly compressed set of questions relating to the power board. Set about answering them when I got up.
- Processed some paperwork.
- Worked on Farnell screen scraping – progressing nicely. Some nasty problems involving Unicode strings getting munged about though.
- Read about John’s escapades.
- Had some xbee related conversations with Phil. Sadly massively diverged into setting up his ssh config.
- The random period of immense internet laggyness started early today. Around 7pm I guess. Moaned profusely.
- Performed a very short investigation investigation into radio modules for general stuff-monitoring projects. Decided that the CC2420 might be good – but a little expensive (~£5 a chip from Farnell). Will continue search for cheaper alternatives. Would be good to produce a large number of devices that use them.
- Looked for an extension lead casing manufacturer. Was pretty unsuccessful. Wanted to find an extension lead casing with space for some extra electronics in it…
Posted at 12:01 am on Monday 6th August 2007
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