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Farnell “improvement”

What is it with internet vendors and not understanding how to sell things through websites? Farnell’s website went through an “upgrade” a couple of weeks ago. I’ve just attempted to use it. They seem to have removed the ability for one to remove the individual search criteria that one has applied. They don’t even let you see them!

The Farnell website must be continuously trawled by electronic engineers looking for things. It’s as if they’ve never ever talked to any of them nor read the torrent of annoyed feedback that must pump into their website all day long!

So, a plan. I fair to believe that there aren’t thousands of people who are irritated by Farnell’s website. So I’ve started a petition. Sign it!

Posted at 2:06 pm on Sunday 15th April 2007

2 responses to “Farnell “improvement””

  1. Jeff says:

    An excellent idea, but I think you’ve got the wrong target. Farnell’s website is, indeed, apalling, but RS are pushing the boundaries of un-usability so far as to be actively preventing customers from purchasing their goods. In some severe cases, people have actually gone blind after using the site, and are now unable to purchase goods anywhere braille isn’t supported.

    I left a short essay documenting their many shortcomings in their feedback box but have yet to hear anything.

  2. rob says:

    Well I intend on targetting both eventually, but I decided that Farnell would be best to go for first because I think they sell more things.

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