I just finished sorting out using the toolchain for the PWM board. Problem with the toolchain that I had was that the binutils I had installed (2.16) doesn’t support the MSP430F2013. After some searching around I found the patch I needed to apply to binutils in mspgcc CVS – and then managed to find a post about it on the mailing list.
Once the toolchain was built I ran a simple program that toggled the output pins continuously:
#include <msp430x20x3.h> static int i = 0; int main( void ) { WDTCTL = WDTHOLD | WDTPW; P1SEL = 0; P1DIR = 0xFF; while(1) { P1OUT ^= 0xFF; } }
The program ran correctly, and the level translation between the MSP430 and the servo outputs worked nicely. Good. Only motor controller to go now, and then we’ll be living in a softwarey world. Ah yes – the TI USB UIF interface seems to be working perfectly in spy-bi-wire mode :-)
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